Trolldom conditions; Gastkramad

Uncategorized May 10, 2023

Trolldom conditions; Gastkramad -Touched by a spirit of the dead in the Scandinavian folklore

Being afflicted by an evil spirit of the dead are usually categorized under the condition of Gastkramad in the Swedish trolldom tradition. The word gastkraming consists of the word Gast - Eng. "ghost" - and kramad - Eng. "hugged". So a litterar translation of this spiritual condition would be "hugged by a ghost".  

Linnaeus dressed as a Saame.On May 27, 1741 the famous Swedish botanist Carl von Linnaéus wrote down this troll formula against gastkramning during this trip to Öland;

Wår Herre Chrest och Santa Peer
De ginge seg den wäjen fram
Så möter dem en döer man
Då sa wår Herre å Santa Peer
Te den döa Mannen
Hwa ska du gå?
Den döa Mannen sa
Ja ska gå te N. –. [patientens namn]
Hwa ska du där?
Sa wår Herre å Santa Peer.
Ja ska krysta honom så hierta-bloet ska rotas
Näj dä ska ja...

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